Research Grants for PhD Students in Europe: New Deadline


IIIT invites applications for doctoral research grants for 2017. The maximum amount for each doctoral research grant is €2000 (euros). These grants are meant to support research and writing by individual doctoral students. Grants could include funding for travel and research support. Grants will be distributed at the beginning of a grant period. Fifty percent of the amount will be allocated and the remainder on completion of research. The academic nature of the project should fall under the IIIT policies and guidelines. For individual grant applications holding a PhD is not a requirement for the doctoral research grants, but applicants should be enrolled in a PhD program in Europe.

Grant Recipient’s Obligations

Grant recipient will acknowledge IIIT’s support when she/he produces a publishable outcome or presents research at academic venues. The recipient will be expected to produce a publishable paper, to be submitted to the American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS) – IIIT’s academic, double blind peer reviewed journal – or to be published in the IIIT’s Occasional Papers Series. In case the paper cannot be published in AJISS, or as an OP, a summarized version of the paper may be published in IIIT’s newsletter or other similar outlets. A complete paper should be submitted no later than 15th November 2017. IIIT may invite the grant recipient to present her/his work at the Institute.

Deadline for Applications and Grant Decisions

The deadline for IIIT doctoral research grant applications is 28th February 2017.


How to Apply

Each full application should contain the following:

  1. Completed application form (please, find the form below)
  2. Proposal (2 pages maximum, Times New Roman 12-point font), which includes: descriptionof the project, timeline for completion, proposed outcome(s), and budget
  3. Bibliography (no longer than 1 page)
  4. Full academic CV
  5. Sample of published work or a dissertation chapter (if available)
  6. One letter of recommendation (from a current professor, or dissertation chair/committee member)
  7. Official transcript (kindly do not send your own computer printouts!)
  8. If required an approval letter should be obtained using the Integrated Research ApplicationSystem (IRAS) or any other authorised European body

The letter of recommendation and transcript should be mailed or emailed separately. Application material (including application form, proposal, bibliography, CV, and sample of work) should be sent as a single PDF file.

Shortlisted candidates may be interviewed via Skype or telephone.

Completed application, and related inquiries, should be emailed to: and


Please read IIIT Guidelines for Research Grants before applying:

Please download the application form below in PDF or Word:


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