„Course on Genocide in Srebrenica“ uspješno realizovan

„Course on Genocide in Srebrenica“ uspješno realizovan 

U periodu od 9. do 14. oktobra 2023. godine, grupa polaznika iz Švedske je učestvovala na edukativnom programu „Course on genocide in Srebrenica“ kojeg je organizirao Centar za napredne studije u Sarajevu, u saradnji sa organizacijom Kista folkhögskola iz Stockholm-a.

Tokom petodnevnog programa, polaznici su imali priliku slušati predavanja Jasenka Selimovića, bivšeg člana Evropskog parlamenta, te Ahmeta Alibašića, profesora na Fakultetu Islamskih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Učesnici su aktivno učestvovali u samim predavanjima, razmjenjivali mišljenja i stavove pokazujući na taj način svoju zainteresiranost za temu.

Polaznici su također imala priliku istražiti Sarajevo i Mostar, jedne od najznačajnijih gradova u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tokom prilikom, Amir Duranović, profesor historije na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, učesnicima je predstavio historiju gradova, važne historijske događaje, kulturne i vjerske spomenike, te samu važnost ovih gradova u prošlosti i danas.

Polaznici programa su posjetili i Memorijalni Centar u Potočarima, gdje su uz lokalnog vodiča obišli Centar tokom kojeg su vidjeli fotografije, dokumente i predmete koje svjedoče o tragediji Srebrenice.

Završetak ovog programa je važan korak u širenju svijesti o genocidu u Srebrenici i promicanju vrijednosti mira, ljudskih prava i pomirenja u međunarodnom kontekstu.

“Course on Genocide in Srebrenica” Successfully Conducted 

From October 9th to October 14th, 2023, a group of participants from Sweden took part in the educational program “Course on Genocide in Srebrenica,” organized by the Center for Advanced Studies in Sarajevo, in collaboration with Kista folkhögskola organization from Stockholm.

During the five-day program, participants had the opportunity to attend lectures by Jasenko Selimović, a former member of the European Parliament, and Ahmet Alibašić, a professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies at the University of Sarajevo. The participants actively engaged in the lectures, exchanged opinions and viewpoints, demonstrating their keen interest in the subject.

The participants also had the chance to explore Sarajevo and Mostar, two of the most significant cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On this occasion, Amir Duranović, a history professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Sarajevo, introduced the history of the cities, important historical events, cultural and religious landmarks, and the significance of these cities in the past and today.

The program's participants visited the Memorial Center in Potočari, where, guided by a local guide, they toured the center and saw photographs, documents, and items that bear witness to the tragedy of Srebrenica.

The conclusion of this program represents an important step in raising awareness about the genocide in Srebrenica and promoting the values of peace, human rights, and reconciliation in the international context.