
13 Juna, 2021

Sarajevo: Održan trening Javni govor

Nakon nekoliko mjeseci nemogućnosti organiziranja događaja uživo, što je bilo uzrokovano pandemijom, u nedjelju, 13. juna, u organizaciji Centra za napredne studije i uz učešće devetnaest polaznica i polaznika, održan je trening Javni govor sa SHR trenericom i poslovnom konsultanticom Dalilom Selimović. Polaznici treninga imali su priliku unaprijediti svoje vještine nastupa i izlaganja kroz ukazivanje...
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Call for Applications: CNS Summer School 2021

Center for Advanced Studies (Sarajevo) in cooperation with its partners is organizing the 11th Summer School.
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IIIT European Summer School – Bosnia 2021

The IIIT European Summer School Islam in Europe: Challenges of Pluralism offers unique tools to navigate our reality and world with its rapidly growing pluralistic scene. In order to successfully tackle the challenges in this context, the program offers academically rigorous and innovative analysis and solutions delivered by diverse and internationally acknowledged scholars and professors...
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