
11 Augusta, 2016

Počela četvrta IIIT evropska ljetna škola

Uvodnim obraćanjima direktora Centra za napredne studije dr. Ahmeta Alibašića i koordinatora evropskih i regionalnih programa CNS-a dr. Mirze Sarajkića, 10. augusta 2016. godine počela je četvrta IIIT evropska ljetna škola pod nazivom Muslims in Europe: Challenges of Pluralism.
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The 4th IIIT European Summer School launched

On 10th August the fourth IIIT European Summer School entitled Muslims in Europe: Challenges of Pluralism was launched. The opening remarks were delivered by Director of the Center for Advanced Studies Dr. Ahmet Alibašić and by Coordinator of European and regional programs at CAS Dr. Mirza Sarajkić.
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