Završena osma IIIT ljetna škola

U srijedu, 26. augusta 2020. godine, završena je IIIT ljetna škola pod nazivom „Islam in Europe: Challenges of Pluralism“. Osmu po redu ljetnu školu u Sarajevu organizovao je Međunarodni institut za islamsku misao, Evropski institut za epistemološke studije u Briselu, Centar za napredne studije u saradnji sa Fairfax Institutom iz SAD-a. Usljed pandemije koronavirusa, ovogodišnji program realizovan je putem Zoom platforme.

Završne riječi učesnicima su uputili potpredsjednik Međunarodnog instituta za islamsku misao (IIIT) dr. Ahmed Alwani, i direktor CNS-a dr. Ahmet Alibašić. Sumiranjem utisaka kroz obraćanja nekolicine polaznika okončan je radni dio ljetne škole.

Program je prvenstveno bio namijenjen studentima na postidiplomskom i doktorskom studiju koji žele steći dodatne informacije i upoznati se sa savremenim pristupima u oblastima islamskih, humanističkih i socioloških nauka. Učesnici su, u okviru 50 radnih sati programa u periodu od 10. do 26. augusta, imali priliku slušati predavanja eminentnih imena savremene islamske misli, te pripadnika akademske zajednice koji koristeći se modernim pristupom tretiraju islam i muslimane na različitim meridijanima svijeta. Program je okupio predavače poput dr. Fikreta Karčića, dr. Ahmeta Alibašića, dr. Mustafe Cerića, dr. Ermina Sinanovića, dr. Jonathana Browna, dr. Ziauddina Sardara, dr. Omara H. Kasulea, dr. Jorgena S. Nielsena, dr. Shuruq Naguib i drugih.

U nastavku donosimo nekoliko komentara i ocjena programa od strane polaznika

The program motivated me for more intensive studying and seeking knowledge. I would say that students and lecturers (sharing thoughts, ideas, concerns etc) inspired me to dive deeper in certain literature and consider writing some articles on specific topics we have discussed in the program.

Everything contributed in a balanced way; the readings were important to understand the topics more profoundly, the lectures important to experience the thoughts of the scholars and the discussions were important to be able to pose questions.

The best part was definitely the students chosen and professors. I hope that our cooperation will continue even in the future. So far, this was the most challenging and the best course I have ever completed. The best part was also the professional staff of the organization, I have mentioned it in each evaluation form. I highly appreciate how they interacted with us and were able to solve our concerns in minutes! I would highly recommend this course, in fact I already did 🙂

Hardly to chose since each aspect has its own value. But, I will mention some parts with touching insights such as the discussions with professor Ahmet Alibašić, Ziauddin Sardar, the Grand Mufti, the presentation on Qur'an and Gender and the assignment of professor Omar Kasule.