Završena deseta CNS ljetna škola

U srijedu, 19. augusta 2020. godine, završena je ljetna škola pod nazivom „Islam in Contemporary World“. Ljetnu školu je desetu godinu zaredom organizovao Centar za napredne studije uz podršku partnera Centra za međukulturno razumijevanje „Horizonti“ iz Podgorice, Centra za dijalog – Vesatijja, te Medrese “Mehmed Fatih” iz Podgorice. Usljed pandemije koronavirusa, ovogodišnji program realizovan je putem Zoom platforme.

Učesće na ovogodišnjoj CNS ljetnoj školi uzelo je 36 studenata dodiplomskog i postdiplomskog studija iz balkanskih i nekoliko evropskih zemalja. Osmodnevni program je obuhvatio predavanja dr. Fikreta Karčića, dr. Ermina Sinanovića, dr. Ahmeta Alibašića, dr. Hikmeta Karčića, dr. Mirze Sarajkića, dr. Renata Bekkina, dr. Ardiana Muhaja, mr. Amela Kovačevića, te Omera Kajoshaja, mr. Ivana Ejuba Kostića i mr. Muhameda Jusića.

Program je bio je baziran na tri stvari:

1) Ključna pitanja o savremenom islamskom mišljenju;

2) Učenje o balkanskim muslimanskim zajednicama i islamskoj kulturi;

3) Sticanje osnovnih znanja iz historije, komunikologije i ekonomije.

Program je zaključen kvizom na osnovu čijih su rezultata polaznici bili nagrađeni. U nastavku donosimo nekoliko komentara i ocjena programa od strane polaznika


I found an opportunity to become acquainted with highly qualified professors. Most of the professors’ specializations are related to the topics that I want to study. I want to maintain my communication with most of them.


Since most of the things were new to me, everything contributed a lot to expand my knowledge. If I was to point out one aspect I would choose the explanation of new terms since I was unfamiliar with some concepts, because I don't study Islamic studies. Also the section of Q&A was also very helpful. Both the questions by fellow participants and professors’ answers made the discussion more dynamic.


I am very satisfied with this program and thanks to it, my knowledge improved by a lot in many aspects. I really like how many different topics were covered but sadly one hour with the lecturers didn't feel like enough time to grasp all the knowledge they had to offer. Reading materials are very good and useful however. Considering it was all done online, I would say this Summer School was a great success.


Keep on being organized, creative and wise. Let the idea of these school live long.


I would highlight making new friends and meeting people from different cultures, as well as sharing our experiences and knowledge.