Call for Applications: CNS Summer School 2016

Call for Applications: CNS Summer School 2016

Center for Advanced Studies (Sarajevo) in cooperation with its partners Center for Personal and Professional Development, Al-Wasatiyya Center for Dialogue (Sarajevo), and Center for Cross Cultural Understanding Horizonti (Podgorica) is organizing its 6th Summer School between 26 August-2 September 2016 in Podgorica (Montenegro) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Center for Advanced Studies’ Summer School 2016

Podgorica & Sarajevo, 26 August-2 September 2016

 Call for Applications

The program is designed for BA and MA students. Lectures will cover mainly the following two topics:

1) Key issues in contemporary Islamic thought;

2) Islam in Europe

The program includes educational visits to historical places such as Mostar, Sarajevo, and  Srebrenica.

The list of lecturers include:

Dr. Fikret Karčić, Dr. Ferid Muhić, Dr. Ahmet Alibašić, Dr. Mirza Sarajkić, Đermana Šeta, MA and others.

Program language is English.

The organizers are covering transportation, food and accommodation costs for the participants from the Balkan countries. Participants from outside the Balkans will have to cover their travel expenses to and from Podgorica or Sarajevo. Local transportation, food and accommodation expenses will be covered by the organizers. Participants have to take care of their travel health insurance.

Prospective candidates should submit ONLINE APPLICATION FORM at by 15 May 2016.

For any further information please contact:

Mirnes Duranović

Project Manager at Center for Advanced Studies

Tel. +387 33 716 041 Mobile: +387 61 330 035
